Information in English
NKRF – kontroll og revisjon i kommunene
= The Norwegian Association of Local Government Auditors
Norwegian Local Government – System of Internal Supervision and Control and External Audit
The aim of this document is to present a description of the Norwegian system of internal supervision and control and external audit in local government based on the Local Government Act and the Ministry’s regulations.
Norwegian Local Government Audit
Local Government in Norway
Informasjonsbrosjyre fra KDD om kommune- og fylkesforvaltning på engelsk
The Norwegian Local Government Act
In english »
(Ministry of Local Government and Regional Development - KDD)
Public Administration Act
In english »
(Ministry of Justice and Public Security - JBD)
Translated Norwegian legislation
Collected by the Faculty of Law Library, University of Oslo »»
Norsk-engelsk ordliste - Word list/Nomenclature/Dictionary
- Ord og uttrykk relatert til skatt, avgift o.l. »» (Kilde: Nordisk eTax)